It’s easy to join Torbay Theatre; simply complete the online membership form by clicking here:

Torbay Theatre Membership Form

When you have filled in the form, click the Send Form button near the top right and then proceed with your payment.

NB: The membership form requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free by clicking here:

Torbay Theatre has the following membership categories and subscriptions for 2022:

Child/Student:  $5.00

  • Anyone aged 18 and under
  • Tertiary Students (please include proof of enrolment with your application)

Single Adult:  $10.00

  • Any person, aged over 18 and under 65 and does not fall in any of the other categories

Senior Citizen: $5.00

  • Any person, aged over 65 and does not fall under any of the other categories

Couple: $15.00

  • Membership for two people in a formal relationship e.g. Married, Civil Union, De facto.
  • Please complete a separate membership form for each person.

Family: $20.00

  • Membership for any combination of Adults, Children & Grandparents living as family unit at the same address e.g. Mum, Dad and Kids.
  • Please complete a separate membership form for each member of the family.

Subscriptions can be paid the following ways:


In person at the theatre or by visiting your nearest ASB Bank branch and quoting the details listed under direct credit below.

Alternatively, contact us by clicking here . Please do not post cash.

Direct Credit:

Either via Internet Banking or by visiting your bank branch, please use the following account details

Account number: 12-3059-0341006-00(0)*
(* some banks require three zeroes in the suffix)
Bank: ASB Bank
Branch: Browns Bay
Account name: Torbay Theatre Incorporated

New Members: Please use the name of member applying, and ‘New Membership’ as a reference

Existing Members: Please include, name of the member, member number and the word ‘Subscriptions’ in particulars, code and reference fields.

Credit Card (via PayPal):

Select you membership type from the list below, then click subscribe:

Subscription Type