Emily Clarkson – Director The Last Five Years is directed by Emily Clarkson, a dedicated performer, who has a rich background in musical theatre and acting, having studied these disciplines extensively. CurrentlyRead More…
Here’s a How-De-Do Too!
It is the final decade of the 19th century. Lord Frederick Ffincham-Ffarquhar has organised a soirée of songs from Gilbert and Sullivan’s well-loved comic operas, featuring members of the D’Oyly Carte OperaRead More…
Well done all, and special congratulations to our nominees for these Auckland-wide awards: Michael Boyle as Vince Fontaine, Josh Morris as Roger, Dani Criek as Jan, and our wonderful costume & make-upRead More…
Four young people from Torbay Theatre have been honoured un the last few months, and look where they are now!!
CLUB NIGHT – 11 November 2023
Come along and join Torbay Theatre for our next Club Night on Saturday 18 June at 7.30pm in the Torbay Community Hall. Dust off those dancing shoes, vocal cords, or Monty Python sketches! Read More…
Grease 2023
Performances: Thursday 7 December 2023 7:30pm – Opening NightFriday 8 December 2023 7:30pmSaturday 9 December 2023 7:30pmSunday 10 December 2023 2:00pm – MatinéeWednesday 13 December 2023 7:30pm – Audience Dress-Up Night!!!Thursday 14Read More…
Torbay Theatre presents… Performances: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th*, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th* December, 2023 * Matinées at 2pm, evening performances at 7.30pm Here is Rydell High’s senior class of 1959: duck-tailed,Read More…
Here’s a How-De-Do!
27 April – 7 May, 2023