CLUB NIGHT – 25 March 2017 from 7.30 pm
Torbay Community Hall
Here is a chance for anybody to find out what it’s like to be on the other side of the footlights. Come along to entertain and be entertained with dance, song, skits, games and theatre.
Non-members are warmly welcome for a taster of what we do – and maybe you would like to join! If you’ve never been, come prepared for an evening of highly entertaining edification and silliness.
Please email us or contact Lynette on 478 7911 or Jacqué on 473 5454 if you’d like to contribute a short skit, song, poem, or anything entertaining, or if you’d like to offer yourself as an actor in someone else’s skit. We’d like a little advance notice, maybe a title to put on a preliminary programme, so we can aim to balance the evening a little.
Rehearsal is up to you or as arranged (we often manage a run for anyone wanting/needing it the night before or in the afternoon on the day). Watch your email/Facebook for details closer to the day. Absolute maximum length 10 minutes, the shorter the better.
Entry $2.00 EACH for both performers and audience. Juice and nibbles will be provided. BYO drinks.
For more info, please email us or contact Lynette or Jacqué.