A Potted History.
Back in 2014 after a successful season of “A Christmas Carol”, a club rejuvenation began. According to the committee minutes a maintenance group was set up after we were given grants for a kitchen and a lighting upgrade. We were inspired to apply for further grants and so the group was formed to continue renovations.
A small group began sorting and labelling the costumes in the wardrobe. There were a number of working bees to rearrange the area under the stage which stores flats and furniture, and also the props bay.
As these jobs were never-ending, the group felt the need for a regular time to get together. They decided on Wednesday mornings. They would welcome anyone and no one would need to apologise if they could not attend. And so they became the Wednesday group.
Now the menial tasks like tidying, cleaning, and putting out the rubbish are done regularly. The group keeps an eye on maintenance needs and sends suggestions to the committee. At times they need to arrange weekend working bees for the heavier jobs.
But the group were also getting called on to help with painting of sets, making props and providing costumes. They became part of the team effort which is needed for any performance.
And so now they have been renamed The Backstage Club.
Keen to Join? Pop in Wednesdays (10:15-12.00), or phone Daphne on (09) 473 7494.