Directed by Steve Wright
30 July – 8 August!! 8pm & 2pm
Torbay Theatre is bursting back to life with preparations for their next production, Quartet. The play was midway through rehearsals when lockdown happened, and while the actors continued to rehearse their lines at home, the nearly-completed set sat empty in the Gate Theatre, but is now once again ringing with lines and laughter.
Come and see the eccentric approach taken by four retired opera singers to old age, getting the most out of life despite the decline of their once-glorious talents. Three of the four wish to restage their most famous quartet – from Rigoletto – for their Retirement Home concert, but with a twist. The choice is stark: can Jean be persuaded to take part in the concert (or, indeed, in life), or will she refuse, preferring to revere the glory of her past powers?
Seasoned director, Steve Wright, says the play is an unashamed – no, shameless – vehicle for four feisty old troupers whose task is to make us laugh a little, sigh a little and cry a little as they take us into the bittersweet world of facing up to age and mortality.
The witty script is brought to life by four very experienced actors: Kay Boyes, Lynette Wrigley-Brown, Peter Segrove, and Bob Stevens, with vibrant set design by Anne Rimmer, and stunning artwork by Rob Campion.
You may remember the popular film with Maggie Smith and Billy Connolly.
Torbay Theatre presents a community theatre production of “Quartet” by special arrangement with Samuel French Limited and NZ Play Bureau Ltd at the Gate Theatre, Torbay Community Hall. (Behind the Torbay Shops).
The revised dates are: 30th July – 8th August, at 8pm
2 pm Matinees only on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd August.
Booking is advised.
For More info phone 473-5454.
There are no restrictions under Alert Level 1.