The latest instalment of the annual children’s production follows the three friends DJ, Sammy and Alex. When a magical candy bar is stolen, the children’s friend is accused of being the thief. Can the children find the real thief and save their friend?
A school holiday play for our younger audiences. Tickets always sell quickly, so don’t miss out!
Performing 20th, 21st and 22nd of July at 2 pm.
Gate Theatre, Torbay Community Hall
Hi there, good day. Could you please advise how long the play last for? Thank you.
Hello Amy
The children’s play lasts between 45 and 60 minutes.
Kind regards,
Can you explain what you mean by “younger audience”. Would it be too young for a 10 year old?
Hi Robyn
It’s hard to say – some ten-year-olds would get in to the fun of it and enjoy the interactivity, while others might possibly think it was beneath their supposed level of “maturity”. You would be the best one to judge where your child stands.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,